Welcome to RedShelf Solve, RedShelf's knowledge base! The majority of the general information you'll need to reference for FAQs, usability, and troubleshooting is available here.
However, if you're looking for additional information specific to Maryville, you'll just need to sign into RedShelf Solve with your live.maryville.edu account. Please note that just because you've signed into RedShelf's eReader before doesn't mean that you are signed into RedShelf Solve.
Using SSO to sign into RedShelf Solve
Click "Sign in" in the top right corner to pull up the single sign-on (SSO) interface:
Select "Sign in with Microsoft" and sign into your live.maryville.edu account:
Once you're logged in, you'll see the unlocked Maryville-specific articles:
Trouble with the process? Give us a shout through our support request form.