Timing: Send immediately following the instructor’s commitment to confirm IA participation
Confirming IA adoptions can be done in several ways, including having the instructor and publisher rep sign a form stating their understanding of the program and pricing. If you don’t care to take that step, it’s critical to confirm adoptions in writing, via email, as early as possible after receiving adoptions. This allows you to:
- Confirm final pricing to students
- Tell instructors what to expect
Here’s an email you can use to confirm IA adoptions with instructors:
TO: Instructor
CC: Publisher Rep
Hi [NAME],
Thank you for participating in [CAMPUS STORE NAME]’s [IA PROGRAM NAME] program for [TERM]. Please request your course in [LMS], and provide me with a list of your TAs so that we do not bill them. You will receive an email with instructions for setting up access within your course in [LMS].
Your Inclusive Access course materials distribution for [COURSE] using the [TITLE, EDITION] RedShelf eBook are confirmed. The price to the student will be [PRICE] and your students will access the book through a link you will place in your course in [LMS].
In the weeks leading up to the term, you and your students will receive email communications from [CAMPUS STORE NAME]. You will receive instructions for setting up access within your course in [LMS].Students will receive information about [IA PROGRAM NAME] and access instructions.
We are excited to deliver your students course materials by the first day of class, at the lowest possible price!