Inclusive Access is a course materials delivery program. It packages digital content with your course so you can access the right materials at the most affordable price on the first day of class.
You may know Inclusive Access by a different name depending on your school:
- Access Granted
- Access Now
- Access One
- All Access
- All Inclusive
- Auto Access
- Complete Digital Access
- Course Fee
- Course Materials Fee Program
- Day One Access
- Day One Direct Access (D1DA)
- Digital Access
- Digital Direct Access (DDA)
- Direct Access
- Direct Digital
- First Access
- First Day Access
- Immediate Access
- Instant Access
- Interactive Digital Access Program (IDAP)
- One Fee
- Textbook Price Reduction Pilot Program
If your school said you can access your materials in your LMS (Canvas, Blackboard, D2L, etc), there's a good chance your course is participating in Inclusive Access.
Inclusive Access isn't free, but your bookstore negotiated a deal with the publisher so it's the lowest cost you'll find! Pricing is a unique situation between the school and the publisher, and RedShelf does not have that information to share for each course. Your bookstore can answer any questions about specific pricing.
Let us know if you have additional questions - Inclusive Access-related or otherwise!