The following is intended for Blackboard LMS administrators. Use the configuration guide on this page to create the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool in the Blackboard environment for your independent campus. This guide is also available to download in pdf format at the bottom of this page.
NOTE: If your institution uses Partner Integration in any courses, please continue to use your existing LTI 1.0/1.1 Tool link for these courses only.
- If you are unsure if your institution uses Partner Integration, contact your RedShelf support team.
- If you currently have the RedShelf LTI 1.3 tool installed in Blackboard, but you'd like to begin using Pearson Partner Integration, you will need to install the 1.0/1.1 version of RedShelf's LTI tool. RedShelf's 1.3 LTI tool does not support Pearson Partner Integration at this time. Instructions for installing LTI 1.0/1.1 can be found farther down on this page under RedShelf LTI 1.0/1.1 Tool Configuration for Blackboard.
Step 1. Navigate to the System Admin area for your Blackboard environment, then select LTI Tool Providers:
A. Select "Register LTI 1.3/Advantage Tool"
B. Enter the following Client ID information, then select Submit.
Client ID: bf0a576c-eb4d-4ab8-8b68-54fe33dbbbe5
Step 2. After the information for the LTI 1.3 Tool populates, copy the Deployment ID. You will provide this Deployment ID to RedShelf to complete enablement of your RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool.
A. Scroll down and ensure the following items are enabled:
Tool Status: Approved
User Fields to Send:
✅ Role in Course [check this box]
✅ Name [check this box]
✅ Email Address [check this box]
Allow grade service access: Yes
Allow Membership Service Access: Yes
B. Provide the generated Deployment ID to your RedShelf account representative.
C. Select Submit
A new RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool is now created in your Blackboard environment.
Step 3.. In the TOOL/PROVIDER section, hover over RedShelf, select the down carrot to the right of the name, followed by Manage Placements
A. Select Create Placement
B. Then enter the following information and select Submit:
Label: RedShelf Deep Link
Handle: RedShelfDL
Availability: Yes
Type: Deep Linking content tool
Launch in New Window: [check this box]
Target Link URI:
Step 4. Now, we’ll need to create a second placement. Just as you did in #3 above, select Create Placement, then enter the following information and select Submit:
Label: RedShelf Course Materials
Handle: RedShelfCM
Availability: Yes
Type: Course content tool
Allows grading: [check this box]
Launch in New Window: [check this box]
Target Link URI:
Step 5. Navigate to a course and select Content on the left-hand navigation menu.
A. Select Build Content on the top navigation bar, then select RedShelf Course Materials and enter the following information, then select Submit. This places a link to the selected location into your LMS course
Name: RedShelf Course Materials
Enable Evaluation: No
Permit Users to View this Content: Yes
Once LTI 1.3 is enabled by your RedShelf account representative…
Click the RedShelf Course Materials link to ensure your LTI 1.3 Tool has been configured correctly.
NOTE: Your screen may have the red message in the screenshot below. This is expected behavior, and does not mean your LTI Tool is misconfigured
Congratulations! Redshelf's LTI 1.3 tool has been successfully integrated into your Blackboard Environment.
RedShelf LTI 1.0/1.1 Tool Configuration for Blackboard
The following guide is intended for Blackboard LMS administrators. The 1.0/1.1 version of RedShelf's LTI tool should only be used to support Pearson Partner Integration courses. We recommend all other courses use LTI 1.3.
If installing the RedShelf LTI 1.0/1.1 Tool, your RedShelf representative will share the following information with you:
- Consumer Key
- Shared Secret
- Launch URL
The Consumer Key and Shared Secret are used as a means of authorizing the connection to the LMS and RedShelf. The Launch URL is added to the LMS and specifies the location where a user will go in RedShelf when clicking on the LTI tool in the LMS.
How to Create the RedShelf LTI Tool (LMS Admin)
Once the Key, Secret and Launch URL information has been obtained by your RedShelf representative, the LTI tool can be built.
Step 1. On the System Admin tab, select Building Blocks under the Building Blocks tile.
Step 2. Select LTI Tool Providers.
Step 3. Select Register Provider Domain.
Step 4. On the Register Provider Domain page, fill out the following fields:
Provider Domain:
Replace with the Launch URL provided to you by RedShelf.
Provider Domain Status: Select Approved
Default Configuration: Select Set Globally
Tool Provider Key: This is the consumer key provided to you by RedShelf.
Tool Provider Secret: This is the consumer secret provided to you by RedShelf.
Send User Data: Select Send User Data Over SSL Only. This is a security setting to make sure that course users information is kept secure.
- User Fields To Send: Please check the boxes for...
- Role In course
Email Address
Step 5. Select Submit to save. Now the RedShelf LTI tool should be available for placement in individual courses.
Creating a Placement (LMS Admin)
Next, create a placement for the LTI tool in a course.
Step 1. Go to Building Blocks > LTI Tool Providers. Select the RedShelf LTI tool and select Manage Placements.
Step 2. Select Create Placement.
Step 3. Enter a Label.
Step 4. Enter a Handle. For the Type, select Content Type.
Some versions of Blackboard ask for the location of where you will find the tool in the course. RedShelf recommends setting this as Content Type = Build Content (Create). Make sure you mark the tool as Available.
Step 5. For Tool Provider URL, copy and paste the following link:
Replace with the Launch URL provided to you by RedShelf.
Step 6. At the bottom of the page, select Submit.
How to Place the LTI Tool in a Course (LMS Admin or Instructor)
Step 1. Navigate to your course.
Step 2. In the upper right corner of the course, ensure that Edit Mode is On. Note that not all versions of Blackboard require this step.
Step 3. On the left-hand menu, select Content.
Step 4. At the top of the Content screen, find the Build Content dropdown and select RedShelf Course Materials from the dropdown.
Step 5. Enter the name of the tool as RedShelf Course Materials, then select Submit. The tool should now be ready for use.
Testing the LTI Tool
Step 1. Create a test student with a test email account. The student must have an email address. This is what RedShelf uses as the student's identifier.
Step 2. Place the LTI Tool in a test course or a real course.
Step 3. Enroll the student into the course
Step 4. Provide the course ID(s) to RedShelf. RedShelf will complete the configuration on our end and "launch" a test course with materials using the course ID provided.
Step 5. Once RedShelf notifies you that we are ready to test the LTI, log in as the student and click the LTI link in the course. You will be launched in to RedShelf and should be able to access the materials in the test course.
Additional Notes
RedShelf's LTI tool supports the following user roles:
- Student
- Learner
- Professor
- Teaching Assistant (TA)
While you are in the admin role (even if impersonating a student or professor) you will get an error when launching the LTI tool, as RedShelf does not recognize the admin role.
Students and Learners are charged for the course materials if they do not opt out. Professors and TAs are not charged for materials.
As for the user experience, professors, TAs, and students have virtually the same experience when accessing RedShelf through D2L. The only difference is that students will see the option to opt out.