The following is intended for Canvas LMS administrators. Use the configuration guide on this page to create the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool in the Canvas environment for your independent campus.
This configuration contains two phases, the first creates the LTI 1.3 tool and credentials. The second adds the LTI 1.3 tool within an individual course shell for users to access RedShelf.
Step 1. Navigate to the Admin area for your Canvas environment.
A. Select Developer Keys in the navigation bar on the left, then select + Developer Key, followed by +LTI Key.
B. Enter the following information in the provided fields:
Method: Manual Entry
Key Name: RedShelf Digital Materials
Owner Email: [Leave this field blank]
Redirect URIs:
Notes: [Leave this field blank]
Title: RedShelf Digital Materials
Description: RedShelf Digital Materials LTI 1.3 Tool
Target Link URI:
OpenID Connect Initiation URL:
JWK Method: Public JWK URL
Public JWK URL:
LTI Advantage Services: [Enable the first 5 settings]
✅ Can create and view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool.
✅ Can view assignment data in the gradebook associated with the tool.
✅ Can view submission data for assignments associated with the tool.
✅ Can create and update submission results for assignments associated with the tool.
✅ Can retrieve user data associated with the context the tool is installed in.
Additional Settings:
Custom Fields:
- custom_canvas_user_id=$
- custom_canvas_user_login_id=$Canvas.user.loginId
Privacy Level: Public
Placements: Link Selection, Course Navigation
Link Selection:
Target Link URI:
Select Message Type: LtiDeepLinkingRequest
Selection Height: 660
Selection Width: 1218
Course Navigation:
Target Link URI:
Text: RedShelf Course Materials
Select Save. A RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool is now created in your Canvas environment.
Step 2. Change the state of the Tool to “On” and record the CLIENT ID of the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool. You will provide the client id to RedShelf to complete enablement of your RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool.
A. Select Settings in the navigation bar on the left, then select Apps, followed by View App Configurations.
B. Select + App, then enter the following information and select Submit, followed by Install:
Configuration Type: By Client ID
Client ID: Enter the Client ID you captured from the beginning of Step 2.
Step 3. Find the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool Link in the list of applications, then select the gear icon to the right of the name of the Tool Link, followed by Deployment Id.
A. Record the deployment id of the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool Link. You will provide the deployment id to RedShelf to complete enablement of your RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool
B. Provide the client id and deployment id to your RedShelf account representative. They will enable your RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool Link.
NOTE: If you are enabling either or both of the Automated Roster Transfer or Automated Tool Placement integrations, please wait to provide your client id and deployment id until after you enable those integrations, as they require additional information to be sent to RedShelf.
Once LTI 1.3 is enabled by your RedShelf account representative…
Step 1. Navigate to a module in one of your courses into which you want to place a RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool Link and select + to the right of the module name.
A. Select External Tool in the drop-down at the top of the pop-up window, then select the RedShelf LTI 1.3 Tool link from the list of applications:
B. Select RedShelf “My Courses”, followed by Create Link. This action takes you to your Canvas window to finish the configuration of your LTI 1.3 Tool.
NOTE: Your screen may have the red message in the screenshot below. This is expected behavior, and does not mean your LTI Tool is misconfigured. Please proceed with these steps.
C. Check the box beside Load in a new tab, followed by Add Item.
D. This places a link to the selected location into a course module in your LMS course.
Step 2. Select the circle with a line through it to the right of the LTI 1.3 Tool link to publish the link to students.
A. Click the RedShelf Digital Materials link in the course module to ensure your LTI 1.3 Tool has been configured correctly.
B. Click the RedShelf Digital Materials link on the left course navigation bar to ensure your LTI 1.3 Tool has been configured correctly.
NOTE: Your screen may have the red message in the screenshot below. This is expected behavior, and does not mean your LTI Tool is misconfigured.
Congratulations! Redshelf's LTI 1.3 tool has been successfully integrated into your Canvas Environment.