If you are locked out of your account or experiencing login errors, here are some ways to help solve the issue:
- If you are being told you have an account already, use our password reset page to create a new password.
- If you are being told your email address is "not valid", it means we don't have that specific address in our database. Your school login credentials don't actually carry over to RedShelf. In this case, try an alternate email address.
- If you get a "Forbidden (403)" error, that's normal on certain configurations of Safari. You can either:
- Disable autofill and allow all cookies in Safari's preferences
- Or attempt to log in through Google Chrome.
- If you're still unable to log in but the username/password information you entered clears without a "Username/Password Incorrect" error, it likely means there was a temporary communication error. To troubleshoot:
- Close the browser.
- Reopen the browser.
- Attempt to log in again.
Still having trouble? Let us assist!