Overview of RedShelf 2.0
RedShelf 2.0 | The online platform that manages all components of RedShelf's Content Delivery System. This includes RedShelf Adoptions, Courses, Sessions, Communications, and Participants. |
RedShelf Adoptions |
Allows university administrators to request, review, and accept faculty/instructor course material adoptions. |
RedShelf Courses | Allows university administrators to manage their Equitable Access & Inclusive Access courses within a specific academic term. |
RedShelf Sessions | A tool that allows administrators to configure sessions within each academic term. |
RedShelf Communications | Allows you to manage your email templates, and view all emails that have been sent through Adoptions and Participants. |
RedShelf Participants | Allows you to manage all your participants. You can view each participant’s information, send emails, sync enrollment data, and modify each user’s program and material opting. |
How to Log In
To safely and securely access RedShelf 2.0, follow the steps below:
- Navigate to manager.redshelf.com in your web browser.
- Enter your email address in the space provided. After entering your email address, a code will be sent to your inbox.
- Note: First time users will also have to accept the EULA (Terms and Conditions & Privacy Statement).
- Go to your email inbox and retrieve the code.
- Return to the RedShelf 2.0 login and input the code you received. After successful login, your dashboard will appear.
Getting Started
To use any RedShelf 2.0 tool, we must first have term data listed in your Terms page. Upon syncing, all active terms will be imported into RedShelf 2.0.
How to Sync my Terms
Your term information will automatically sync daily. If there is a need to update your information, select the blue Sync button at the top of the Terms page.
How to see if a Term is Up to Date.
- Click on the three-dot menu next to your term name, then select Term Details
- The resulting window will indicate if the data is up to date, or requires a sync
How to Configure a Session
Before you can start using Sessions, you must first create your session(s):
- Ensure the intended term is listed in the Term Selector
- Click on the Session Selector, then select + New Session
Provide all required information:
- Name: Name of session
- Early Access Date: This date will determine material visibility on the student’s shelf, and in Participants
- Start Date: Start date of the session
- Opting Date: Opting deadline of the session
- End Date: End date of the session
How to Associate Courses with a Session
Once you have created a session, administrators will need to select the intended courses to be associated with the session.
Select all applicable courses using the open square box next to each course name
- Note: Using the Search or Filter Table option will not disrupt any previously selected sections
- Once your course(s) has been selected, use the three dot menu found in the Action Bar to select Move Sections to Session
- Click the name of the intended session, then select Move
How to Edit or Delete a Session
When viewing the session, a banner with your session name will appear on the top.
- Select the caret on the Session Banner, you will see your session data appear
Select either Edit or Delete as needed
RedShelf Adoptions
The Adoptions Dashboard
Statuses and Tile Workflow Cards
Directly above your Action Bar, you will see a series of workflow cards to help you manage and monitor the progress of your selected term’s adoptions:
- Open/Requested: After an Adoption Sections import, all new course sections will appear in an Open status, signifying that you are ready to begin outreach to your submitters for adoptions. After sending your Request Adoptions Email, courses will update to a Requested status, meaning submitters have been notified to provide adoptions.
- Choose Format: This status indicates that the submitter has provided their adoption, and it is now ready for the administrator to designate the material’s format.
- Pending RedShelf: Your RedShelf support team will need to match the intended material to a digital product in our system, or request the digital product from the publisher. No action is needed from the bookstore on these materials.
- Ready to Approve: This status indicates that the material is ready for the administrator to associate it with a POS product ID.
- Complete: This is the final status in the workflow and indicates that the adoptions listed are complete. Digital materials in this tile card will automatically move to RedShelf Courses during the overnight sync.
Managing Your Adoptions
Request Adoptions Email
Your first step is to notify submitters that you are ready for their adoptions. This is accomplished by sending email outreach with assignment information:
- In your Adoptions Dashboard, click on the Open/Requested workflow tile card and filter your table to all with an Open status
- Select the checkbox next to each course you wish to email. If no courses are selected, the email will be sent to all submitters under the workflow tile.
- In the Action Bar, select the envelope icon. A dialog box will open where you can craft your email or apply an existing email template. Select Next to progress.
- Confirm and verify the number recipients are correct, then select Send
- The selected course sections will then move to the Requested status
Reviewing Adoption Submissions
Once submitters have completed their process, it is time for the administrator’s review. All submissions ready for the administrator’s review will be visible under the Choose Format workflow tile on your Adoptions dashboard. In this tile, administrators can complete one of three actions:
Choose Format: In the workflow tile, each material line will contain a button to choose the material’s format of delivery.
- Select Choose Format
- Indicate whether the product should be delivered in a digital or physical format
- Select Confirm to complete
Library Items: Complete this action when a title is available digitally from your institution’s library. When included in a course, the library item will include a link to the material’s page on the library website.
- Select the three dot menu and click on Update Library Link
- Attach the Library URL and select the checkbox to indicate this material as a library product
- Select Save to complete
Select Alternate Product: If the submitted material does not meet expectations, the bookstore may assign an alternate product.
- Select the three dot menu and click on Select Alternate Product
- Search for an alternative product in the resulting screen
- Select Save to complete
Associating a POS Product ID
If a POS product ID is not automatically found, the bookstore admin will need to associate the ISBN with an ID.
- In your Adoptions Dashboard, click on the Ready to Approve workflow tile card
- Select the Associate POS Product button next to your Title / ISBN
- Add your POS ID into the space provided, then click Confirm to complete
RedShelf Courses
Navigation and Display
To easily review your RedShelf Courses dashboard, navigation and display options are available above your table.
Search or Filter Table
From the text box above the table, you are able to search on attributes such as Title and ISBN.
Select and Bulk Actions
To the left of your Action Bar, you will see an unselected checkbox. This can be utilized to select all to perform a given action. Each main and sub line also has this feature.
Using the three-dot menu, you are able to perform bulk actions on your selected options. Bulk actions include:
Apply Margin: Apply a standard margin across any selected materials
- Pricing can only be applied to those in a Needs Student Price status
- Sync Materials: This allows the administrator to update the table with the most up-to-date material information.
Adjusting Rows Visible
To the right of the Action Bar, you can adjust the visible rows per page. Next to this indicator, you will find the page navigator. Use the navigator to visit the next, previous, first or last page of your list.
The Courses Dashboard
The Courses dashboard represents the workflow to provide digital materials to students.
Import Matching Statuses
Upon import from Adoptions, Courses will automatically check for product and pricing availability. Based on the success of the search, the following statuses will be assigned:
Needs Attention: Courses was not able to find a product or pricing match for the requested material.
- To resolve, follow the Match Publisher workflow
Pending Publisher: Courses was able to find a match on the publisher or product, but further information is needed from the publisher.
- No action is needed from the bookstore on these materials
Needs Student Price: Courses matched the publisher and product, but student price was not able to be automatically calculated. The Cost to Store field on your table will have a value when a material is in this status.
- To resolve, follow the Apply Margin or Request New Price workflow
- Launched: The material has been associated with all applicable sections, and will be visible to students on the early access date.
Match Publisher: Upon import, Courses attempts to match all material requests to products in RedShelf’s catalog. If a product and publisher is not found, a request cannot be initiated. In order to properly route and commence the request process:
On any material line with a status of Needs Attention, a corresponding Match Publisher button will be available. Select Match Publisher
- A dialog will open that shows the publisher that was provided, and a search field to select the RedShelf equivalent
- Once a match has been selected, select Continue to progress
- After confirming your match, select Save Match to complete
- The material status will then be updated to Pending Publisher and routed to the selected publisher to complete
Apply Margin: Once a publisher has offered a cost to store, Courses will try to automatically apply a student price. If one is not available, the administrator must input it directly:
- On the material row, select the Price Material button on the corresponding line.
- A dialog will open allowing you to configure the student price by indicating a margin, or by inputting a price to student
- Once complete, select Apply to save the value.
- The material status will then be updated to Launched
Request New Price: If the price offered by the publisher does not meet expectations, the bookstore may request updated pricing by following these steps:
- On the material row, select the Price Material button on the corresponding line
- A dialog will open allowing you to configure the student price by indicating a margin, or by inputting a price to student
- Select request new price
- Once complete, click Apply to save
- The material status will then be updated to Pending Publisher
RedShelf Communications
RedShelf Communications allows University Administrators to manage their email templates, and view all emails that have been sent through Adoptions and Participants.
University Administrators will have the ability to send emails to other users within Adoptions and Participants. Templates will allow the administrators to pre-configure the email so that when it comes time to send, it’s as easy as selecting which they’d like to use!
How to Create a New Template
Navigate to Templates via the left-hand navigation menu
- Note: You will see Templates nested under Communications
- At the top of the page, select Create Template
- Next, select the intended application for your email: Adoptions or Participants
- Create a name for your template and add a subject and body for your emails
- Once complete, select Save
- The template will then be added to the Templates table, and retrievable within Participants.
How to Edit your Template
On the Templates table, each template line will contain a button to Edit.
- Once Edit is selected, the page will redirect to the Update Template page with the previously provided email information.
- Edit your template as needed. Once complete, select Save
- The template will then be saved to the Templates table, and retrievable from within Adoptions or Participants.
All emails sent from Adoptions or Participants will be visible in the Sent Emails table. Additionally, hovering over the subject will provide you with a copy of the email that was sent.
RedShelf Participants
RedShelf Participants allows you to manage all things participants – students, TAs, instructors. You can view each participant’s information, send emails, sync enrollment data, and modify each user’s program and material opting.
Participants Table
How is the Table Organized?
The table will contain a list of participants relative to the selected term. In the upper right hand corner of the Participants page, there is a Term Picker that contains a list of all open terms. To switch between, click to drop down and select the desired term.
What Information is Displayed in the Table?
The Participants table will be organized by the following:
- Name: This will display the first and last name of the participant.
- Email: This will display the email address associated with the participant.
- Role: This will display the role(s) associated with the participants – student, TA, or instructor. If a student is a TA in some sections, and students in others, both will be displayed in this column.
- Program Type: This will display the participant’s current program affiliation – Equitable Access or Inclusive Access.
Which Actions Can be Taken in the Table?
Found on the left-hand side of the Action bar, you will see three actions available:
- Select: The open square box reflects your selection status. Clicking from this header will select all within the table. Clicking the box on the line will apply the desired action to those selected.
- Email: Using the select functionality above, the email workflow can be initiated by selecting the envelope icon. See below for additional email information.
- Sync: This will update the table with the most up-to-date enrollment information. This can be done in bulk by simply selecting the sync icon, or on an individual basis using the select functionality.
How to Email Participants
Above the table, an email icon will be displayed in the Action Bar.
- Select the intended recipient(s). If none are selected, the email will be sent to all
- Select the email icon
- From the Participant Email menu, select the name of the desired template
- Once imported, adjustments can be made but they will not update the template itself
- Confirm and send email
- All emails will then be visible in Sent
Participant Details
On the far right of each participant’s line in the table, a View Details button is available. Selecting this will redirect you to the participant details page. This details page will also have opting capabilities for assistance.
How is the Page Organized?
At the top of the page, the participant’s name, program affiliation, and term will be displayed above the course list. A count of sections and materials will also be displayed. Please note that eBooks are one related instance, whereas courseware will be counted individually.
Beneath, a list of sections and the associated materials will be displayed alphabetically.
What Does Each Icon Indicator Mean?
Opting Status:A locked icon will display if any role, either a student directly or administrator on behalf of the student, has opted out of the materials
Opting History:Next to the section and material count, the icon will open the Change Log. This will display all of the activity related to a student’s material access. Organized by name of material, it will list all opt in, opt out, and physical pick up history.
Status of Physical Materials:
A running icon will be visible if the student has not yet picked up the material
A check icon will be visible if the student has picked up the material
How to Adjust a Student’s Program Affiliation
In the Participants Table, search for the student and select View Details. This will take you to the Participants Details window where you will complete the following:
- Click the View Programs button found in the blue banner
- Select the intended program, click Continue once complete
- Click Continue to confirm the change
How to Adjust a Student’s Material Opting for Inclusive Access
Before the opting deadline:
Prior to making material selections, the administrator must first indicate whether they are intended to apply opt outs or opt ins. Once the appropriate button is selected, all eligible materials will have open boxes for selection. After one or more materials are selected, a bar at the bottom of the page will display and offer a select all function, and an additional Opt Out / Opt In button to complete the action. Selecting the option from the bottom will apply the decision to all indicated materials.
After the opting deadline:
Once the opting deadline has elapsed, students are no longer able to opt out of materials. However, eBooks offer an extended opt in window. The option to opt back into materials previously opted out of will be available to all students until the end of the term.
[IA] How the Opting Deadline Influences a Student’s Ability to Opt
Opting will be done on a material level.
- eBooks: Students may opt on their eBook access until the latest opting deadline of a section using the material.
- Courseware: Students must opt on each instance of courseware. Dates for opting will be determined by the section’s opting deadline.